Extend the Lisk DAO voting period


The voting period for proposals in the Lisk DAO is 1 week at the moment.
This proposal suggests to extend the voting period for one additional week to a total of two weeks.


The current one week voting period could result in voters simply not participating because they didn’t have the time to consider and/or didn’t notice the proposal early enough.


The voting period should be extended to two weeks, which gives delegates more time to reasonably consider their voting decision, and can improve the overall participation rate on proposals, as it reduces the risk for delegates of not being able to participate in a specific voting, which can happen for various reasons like sickness or holiday.

This proposal results out of the following discussion in the Lisk Governance Forum: Extending the voting period

Key Terms

Voting period: The voting period is how long voting lasts on each proposal. For the Lisk DAO, the voting period starts directly after the proposal is created. At the end of the voting period, the proposal has passed or failed.


The proposal includes an action that will call the setVotingPeriod function of the Lisk DAO Governor contract with the value 1209600, which represents 14 days in seconds.

Action plan

If the proposal is accepted, the action described in the Specification will be executed directly.
Once the action is executed, the new voting period for all new proposals in the Lisk DAO will be 2 weeks.


Agree. Will improve voter participation somewhat.


@Mona Do you plan to start voting? :slight_smile:


Soon, soon, soon… xD let’s schedule it to 1st July 2026


I wanted to give a small updated on the time plan and also raise a question to everyone. Initially, we wanted to create the onchain proposal this year. But when testing this kind of execution on some test DAOs (not the Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO), we experienced some hickups with Tally. Apperently, Tally uses a wrong ABI for the OpenZeppelin Governor contract. Providing the ABI manually fixed the problem. However, for one of the test DAOs, the simulation and execution from Tally still failed, but manual execution from an explorer was working. For another one, the execution worked also from Tally. Given these experiences, we would prefer to first run this proposal on the Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO to make sure everything runs as expected. To avoid that some part of the voting period and the execution fall into the holiday season, we would like to shift this to next year. More precisely, we propose the following time plan:

  • week 2 (starting on the 6th of January): create the onchain proposal for Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO
  • week 3: if the execution on the testnet DAO worked as expected, create the onchain proposal for the Lisk Mainnet DAO

Now my question: The reason to run the prosal on the testnet DAO is to ensure that the execution works as expected. But this delays the process currently by 7 days. If we increase the voting period, the delay will become even longer. Should we therefore use the onchain proposal for Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO to actually reduce the voting period to something shorter, e.g., 3 days, instead of increasing it? Then such test runs for executions would be faster for upcoming proposals.
To avoid any misunderstanding: The voting period for the Mainnet DAO should still be increased to 2 weeks. I’m only talking about the Testnet DAO.


Agree, decrease it to 3 days on Testnet


We discussed it again internally and concluded that an earlier execution for the Mainnet proposal would be desirable. Therefore, we will open the onchain proposal for the Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO this week. If this one runs successful, the Mainnet proposal will be created in the 2nd week of 2025.


We have to test this very meticulously and precisely to avoid yet another major fckup. I know it is very hard thing to do and our brilliant devs will be working at nights for that to happen having hard time neglecting their families cause of being consumed by work. Let them have Christmas and relief from their hard work let set it to 1st July 2026 I think everybody will be happy.

Should I code this voting shit for you or you’ll be making delays and neverending problems with tally? Lisk should have it’s own voting working mechanisms back in 2018. This discussion is total garbage sorry to say but it looks like you are clowns not DAO. Always being too lazy to deliver, always preferring to pick 3rd party solutions and pay others instead of working and creating your own stuff.


Hello everyone.

The test proposal of updating the voting period on the Lisk Sepolia Testnet DAO (from 1 week to 3 days) is now published. You can see the proposal on Tally.

The proposal will be active for 7 days from now, i.e., until Friday Dec 27th. After it gets passed and successfully executed, we will proceed to publishing the actual proposal on Mainnet. As Andreas mentioned above, this is expected to happen in the 2nd week of 2025.


Hey, the proposal is created :tada:
You can find it on Tally here, ready to be voted on: Tally | Lisk | Extend voting period to 14 days

Voting period will end on next Monday, 27.01.25, please make sure to place your vote on time!



It took you 3 months to do something about it, congratz. Also on not working forum website for 2-3 days due to lack of web certificate.


I agree with 2 weeks.
I think it will increase voter turnout.


Then I think every previously planned voting should be adjusted e.g. burning event if we plan 1st July to 8th should be instead 1st to 15 be 24 June to 8th July

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Don’t know if it is because 7days is not long enough to make a decision or most DAO members are simply not following proposals closely.

Abstaining from the voting process is also a decision on it’s own.

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I thing key points in each conversation should be shared on X with a simple link to VOTE.

If the process is straight forward enough with a direct call to action then maybe we might come to realise that 7days is a long period to make voting decisions


Welcome to slow motion universe of liskers.


The following reflects the views of L2BEAT’s governance team, composed of @kaereste and @Sinkas, and it’s based on the combined research, fact-checking, and ideation of the two.

We’re voting FOR the proposal.

Increasing the voting period from 7 days to 14 days allows for more time for delegates to review proposals before casting their vote and will make it easier to achieve a quorum. It’s also helpful in safeguarding the DAO against malicious proposals as it allows for plenty of time to react.


Surely it will do. Seeing a notification for two weeks on a proposal is somewhat better time.