L2BEAT Delegate Communication Thread

Update for the time period between July 2024 and January 2025.


Redistribution of Unclaimed Hodlerdrop Tokens - Voted AGAINST

We voted against the proposal due to its timing. The Lisk Airdrop did not specify a time window for eligible participants to claim the airdrop. From our perspective, 5 months is a relatively short timeframe to introduce such a kind of change.

Redistribution of Unclaimed Hodlerdrop Tokens(with improvements) - Voted FOR

We voted in favor due to the changes that this proposal had. We agreed that the proposal should reward those users more aligned with Lisk. On the other hand, we also supported the idea that the redistribution will happen after 6 months, this gives plenty of time for interested users to claim their tokens.

Extend voting period to 14 days - Voted FOR

We voted in favor of this proposal because, from our perspective, extending the voting period from 7 to 14 days gives delegates more time to review proposals, makes achieving a quorum easier, and helps protect the DAO from malicious proposals by allowing time to react.

L2BEAT’s Office Hours

We want to remind everyone that every week, we’re hosting our Governance Office Hours on Google Meets.

The office hours will be held every Friday at 4 pm UTC/ 11 am EST

During Office Hours, you will be able to reach L2BEAT’s governance team, which consists of Kaereste (Krzysztof Urbanski) and Sinkas (Anastassis Oikonomopoulos), and discuss our activity as delegates.

The purpose of the office hours is to gather feedback from the people who have delegated to us, answer any questions in regard to our voting activities and rationale, and collect input on things you’d like us to engage in discussions about.

You can add the L2BEAT Governance Calendar in your Google Calendar to find the respective Google Meets links for every call and to easily keep track of the Office Hours, as well as other important calls and events (e.g. voting deadlines) relevant to Lisk that L2BEAT governance team will be attending or hosting.