Extending the voting period


the voting period for proposals in the Lisk DAO is 1 week at the moment, which is kind of short in my eyes. This could result in people simply not participating because they didn’t have the time to consider and/or didn’t notice the proposal early enough.

The Arbitrum DAO has a voting period of 2 weeks for example, but currently there is no clear standard.

What are your thoughts about the length of the voting period, should we extend it, and if yes how long?

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2 weeks minimum but not longer than 3. Also we should have visible announcements on lisk website about every proposal that reached voting stage preferably on main page. Also don’t forget to change proposals status because it looks bad if it stays unchanged for longer periods of time like now this one: Tally | Lisk | Redistribution of Unclaimed Hodlerdrop Tokens change it to rejected. Also pin proposal overview topic to be on top Proposal Overview because it will go down to next page at some point and won’t be visible for all.

Second part of this announcement need update: Burn or Allocate to DAO Fund: the date is set - because it was rescheduled.
Also do you plan to make any campaign about this vote to make sure it will be clear to public? The earlier people will know the better chances they will vote.

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Agree, but 2 weeks more than enough!

I think a one-week voting period is too short—two weeks would make more sense. Also, it would be great to have some actions to help spread the word about ongoing votes. For example, when a proposal is live on Tally, the bot could send an announcement in the Discord #lisk-dao with an “everyone” mention to get more attention.


I agree - 1 week is too short. 2 weeks seems better.


Actually why is the voting deadline a1 week? For security reasons?
Its good to extend the deadline as long as there is no security risk.


We just looked at the voting periods of other DAOs and took something like an average value. Some DAOs, like Arbitrum have longer voting periods. Some DAOs, like Optimism token house, have also 7 days. And some DAOs, like 1Inch or Stargate have even shorter voting periods. Another assumption was that 7 days for voting combined with at least 14 days of discussion in the forum is sufficient time. But this assumption was possibly wrong.

Fortunately, chaning the voting period is very trivial. It does NOT require a contract upgrade or anything like that. The DAO only needs to call the function setVotingPeriod of the Governor contract. That means, we only need to attach a simple action to the onchain proposal.


Thank you for your comments!
It looks like most people can agree on a 2 week voting period, so to move this forward I created a draft proposal Extend the Lisk DAO voting period which is suggesting exactly that. :slight_smile:

If you have any further comments regarding this topic, please leave them in the draft proposal thread, this topic will be closed now.

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