Rescheduling lsk burn or allocate clarification

As a lisk holder and on behalf of the community I’m applying for lisk burn or allocate date clarification.

  1. Date was set to 1st July 2025 - Who set this date? Who exactly requested this date and who supported him?
  2. What is the proof that the community was involved in this decision making? I remind you that has no dislikes option so likes shouldn’t be taken as community opinion.
  3. Reaction to rescheduling was negative on, based on user’s comments it looks like they are disappointed. Then why do you say otherwise that feedback from the community was positive?
  4. Where can I find discussions based on which you decided to reschedule?
  5. Why you can reschedule proposals without voting? Where can I find a record that you can do this?
  6. Why date was set to 1st July 2025 and not for example to 1st December 2024 or any other earlier date?

Thank you.


Fair point the X example may not have been the best, however, that is not really what we based the decision on. Let’s break it down like this:

  • Przmer, Grumlin, and a few other delegates we know to support this change make up >30% of total vpLSK (they also represent over 45% of total token holders).

  • For sake of this demonstration, let us assume that Max, Oliver, and the Lisk Team Delegate remain neutral / vote to abstain (which still counts towards the quorum). Those three additional delegates currently hold an additional 40% of the total vpLSK (and represent an additional 15% of token holders).

So this information alone means even if every other delegate on Tally voted against this proposal it would still be confirmed: >31% in favor, <29% against, and 40% abstain (even from a pure perspective of token holders, still more would support this outcome 45%+, with 15% abstaining).

This simple version of our calculation doesn’t take into account the additional delegates who showed support via liking the Discord message, previously speaking about being in favor of waiting for a more balanced DAO (as you can see from current vote dynamics demonstrated above), etc. Nor the fact that so far this group of you against the change have not been able to convince additional delegates / token holders to support your opinion.

The DAO is very fair in that there are currently 14 delegates (outside of Max, Oliver, and Lisk Team Delegate) that have the power to submit a proposal to vote, and way more token holders that have the 14k vpLSK needed to give the ability to be the 15th delegate with enough vpLSK to submit proposals to vote.

We made the decision based on the above information, however, agree that generally changes should be made by vote and are not opposed to holding a vote on this topic if there is a strong sentiment in the community to do so, which is backed by a realistic amount of vpLSK (at minimum enough to bring the proposal to vote).


So you admit that it was purely delegates decission, community had nothing to do with it. I insist to change “community” word with “delegates” word in rescheduling post. We still waiting for clear answers to unanswered questions.

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As a community can we know why date was set exactly to 1st July 2025 and no other sooner date and why it was not voted / decided without community opinion?


Hi @wasabbi, of course:

  • The date (July 1, 2025) was part of the proposed change brought forth by Grumlin, which we announced we would support if there was no strong dissent to the idea. We didn’t want to start picking and choosing which specific aspects of the proposal we were supporting / not supporting.

  • The DAO voting process only allows delegates to vote: Yes / No / Abstain. Therefore, it’s not simple to vote on multiple date options unfortunately. Otherwise, I agree this could have been a rather simple vote to have.

We are not opposed to selecting a different vote date. Maybe you can start a discussion thread specifically on this topic and suggest a few alternative dates and see if any of these seem to gain enough support / traction that someone could submit for a vote?

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I agree.

There are no possible changes to these questions.

I tried to initiate a vote at this link, but didn’t receive enough votes to reach the 300K threshold.

I believe the DAO/Lisk team postponed the voting because otherwise they would have to decline the token burn, which could be even a more negative event for the community.​

I quit.

Exactly. Announcing something then rescheduling it. Delaying it for almost a year definitely not a bullish sign xD. Just burn it now and problem solved. You know exactly that if you don’t burn your project will go to the bin. You’re testing investors nerves for years and with this one it will be final quit sign if tokens will be allocated to DAO. It doesn’t matter future development even if you hire high-tech aliens from space to help you people will be done for good with Lisk. Then you will have to rebrand the name that has such bad reputation.

You don’t understand that even if Max Oliver and the Lisk Team don’t vote, we still can’t reach the quorum(24M). The other members only have 18M voting power, and you need to realize that in reality, only about 15M will actually vote.