Our goal here, as I have previously stated, is to let the community decide on the outcome of the 100m additional tokens that could be kept for the Lisk DAO, and slowly vested over a 7 year period, or burned.
The decision to postpone the vote was made based on community feedback coming from Grumlin’s thread, as well as, multiple comments / general sentiment coming from long standing and active community members since originally announcing the vote. We gave the community an additional 1 week time to discuss this, during which time, we received a lot of positive feedback from the community for that decision to postpone. One simple way to track this sentiment, though not the only one, is via the likes and reactions to this proposed change Discord and X .
Even now, there seem to be only a few community members that are opposed, but we are not seeing additional community members rally behind this idea.
As there currently does not seem to be a majority support for having the vote now, and if the vote is passed either way it’s a final decision, I do think it’s in the best interest of the community to give it more time to get more people involved in the DAO voting and also to be able to see what the Lisk team is able to deliver here over the coming 10 months.
Of course, as Przemer correctly already pointed out here, if the community gives enough voting power to submit a proposal (which would be the first sign that there is more support for this or any idea) anyone meeting the threshold can create a vote on this topic