Redistribution of Unclaimed Hodlerdrop Tokens

After receiving messages by individual community members about this proposal, I’ve taken a look at the issue at hand.

I’d vote YES on this proposal of redistributing the remaining LSK tokens in the same ratio as already claimed (e.g. 2M LSK distributed, 1M LSK left, for each 6,250 LSK a user already claimed, they can claim another 4,166 LSK), if the following conditions are applied:

  • 50% redistribution to the users who stake the same amount for 3 months (e.g. user is eligible for 4,166 LSK, if they stake 4,166 LSK for 3 months they receive 50% of the LSK amount)
  • 50% redistribution to the users who stake the same amount for 6 months (e.g. user is eligible for 4,166 LSK, if they stake 4,166 LSK for 6 months they receive 50% of the LSK amount)
  • Any remaining amount goes into the Ecosystem Fund


This emphasizes the hodler aspect, double-rewarding only those users who also “double hodl” their LSK.