Lisk DAO constitution

Don’t you think the constitution should also be adopted on-chain?

And what about increasing the quorum for transfers above a certain threshold?
And I don’t want to adopt it in parts because other aspects(like quorum(24M), threshold(300k)) depend on the pause mechanism. At this stage of Lisk, I don’t want to adopt the quorum mechanism (yes + abstain). Later, maybe(if total VP(voting power) will be more than 60M and more than 75% will be in the hands of community), but for now - no.

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Honestly, I have no idea what the implications are of including “this or that” in the constitution. Some things are enforced by the smart contract anyway, even if they’re excluded from the constitution. Perhaps the constitution should specify what is enforced by the smart contract (not sure).

If we want to change technical aspects like the boosting or quorum mechanics, we should create separate threads to keep things organized, and then hold an appropriate vote if there’s agreement on any changes.

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I agree, that’s why I made suggestion to change qourum requirements but I don’t know if you guys are interested in discussing it or if anyone here have idea how to improve in such way to allow voting at any time. If you are willing to discuss it create new proposal because I’m tired of hitting the wall.

Generally we don’t want a situation in which we will make rules and procedures that will be complicated, we need simple rules to avoid situation in which people will have to spent x amount of time reading rules to know what’s going on.

Honestly, I have no idea what the implications are of including “this or that” in the constitution. Some things are enforced by the smart contract anyway, even if they’re excluded from the constitution.

The constitution is an opportunity for community to approve what we have designed for the DAO so far, to give feedback and add own ideas about the purpose and values of the DAO.
Excluding things from constitution would simply mean the community hasn’t agreed on this topic, yet. We can amend the constitution, once an agreement is achieved.